Two New Jersey state senators have introduced legislation that would allow drivers to choose to pump their own gas in the Garden State for the first time since 1949. It also would decriminalize pumping one’s own gas.

Senate Bill 2944 would allow for self-service, but also would require that fuel retailers offer at least one full-service island for the next three years and provide provisions for those who aren’t able to pump their own gas. While retailers would be allowed to discount gas at self-service stations, they’d also have to provide full service for those with disabilities at the same price.

“We shouldn’t penalize drivers for pumping their own gas, which is allowed in nearly every other state. If a customer doesn’t want to wait for an attendant, they should have the option of filling their tank themselves,” said New Jersey State Sen. Paul Sarlo. “This bill would remove the $500 penalty for pumping your own gas and allow consumers to choose self-service at a discounted price. It would not only create more options at the pump, but would likely result in more gas stations being open and available to drivers in the evenings when they are often looking to fill up.”

Oregon is the only state other than New Jersey that does not allow self-serve fueling, but the Oregon legislature is considering allowing it at gas stations in rural areas of the state.


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