lays kettle cooked

Convenience Store News In Brief

Lay’s is launching a program in which people can create custom chip bags by uploading a personal picture and phrase depicting their “favorite summer moment.” Lay’s will use the digital design to create real bags and ship them directly to the consumer, set to arrive near the Fourth of July holiday…

A proposed ordinance from Chicago’s aldermen would put stricter guidelines in place for the city’s 24-hour convenience stores. The operators would need approval from the city to stay open all night, and the approval would only be granted if they have a plan to minimize “noise and disturbances.” To obtain the required permission, convenience stores must submit a written application that includes a list of all residential units within 660 feet of any portion of the store’s building; a plan for minimizing noise and disturbances associated with the operation; and a detailed description of the convenience store premises and facilities…

According to a recent report issued by The NPD Group, servings of pizza ordered by convenience store customers increased by more than 20 percent in the year ending February 2015. Dough cases shipped from distributors to convenience stores increased by more than 30 percent.

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