shaws and star

Shaw’s and Star Market have donated more than 259,000 pounds of food to more than 140 local hunger relief organizations through the “Spirit of Giving” food drive. Thanks to the generosity of Shaw’s and Star Marker customers, these bags will provide 199,000-plus meals to those in need. In addition, Shaw’s and Star Market donated an additional $52,000 to support local organizations that provide food for the hungry.

From Nov. 27-Jan. 1, Shaw’s and Star Market customers were able to purchase virtual pre-assembled bags that contained non-perishable food for $5, $10 or $15. Once collected, the food was sent directly to community food banks and pantries throughout Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Rhode Island. All 155 Shaw’s and Star Market locations worked to identify local organizations within their communities who would be the recipients of the food.

The conclusion of the Spirit of Giving food drive marked the culmination of several holiday hunger relief efforts from Shaw’s and Star Market. In November, customers raised $220,000 during the company’s “Turkey Bucks” fundraising campaign to help get Thanksgiving dinners on the table of those in need. These donations enabled local food pantries to receive more than 4,000 complete Thanksgiving dinners.

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