Ahold-Nutritionist Face to Face

As part of its ongoing commitment to help customers achieve healthier lifestyles, Ahold USA hosted two nutrition education days last week at its Carlisle, Pa., support office. Topics of discussion included specific products, information and services related to nutristion and health and how to better engage and educate customers. Participants included all 12 of the company’s retail divisions’ in-store nutritionists as well as members of Ahold USA’s health and wellness, marketing and quality assurance teams.

“Being in the food industry, we have an opportunity to make a real difference in the health of our customers. As part of these nutrition education days, we were able to share best practices to make our stores a better place to shop for customers working towards healthier lifestyles,” said Shirley Axe, Ahold USA’s health and wellness manager. “The best feedback we get is from our customers and we want to be sure that our network of stores, nutritionists and vendor partners are in sync with how we can best serve their health and wellness needs.”

Approximately 20 vendor partners, including American Egg Board, American Mango Board, Chobani, Dannon, Dole, Enjoy Life, Kellogg’s, Kidfresh, Mondelez, Organic Valley, Sunmaid, Unilever and Way Better Snacks, also were invited to be part of the discussion. Each day a mini trade show was held where vendors showcased their products and had the opportunity to speak one on one with the in-store nutritionists.

“We love supporting the Ahold USA nutritionists and this event allowed us to share with them nutrition knowledge that both increased their expertise and helped to communicate the nutrition benefits of our Cabot products and others in the category,” said Sara Wing, director of marketing for Cabot Creamery.

Marie A. Spano, a nutrition communications expert and one of the country’s leading sports nutritionists, served as the guest speaker for the event. She currently is the sports nutritionist for the Atlanta Braves and Atlanta Hawks. Spano’s other clients have included NFL, PGA and NHL players.

Ahold USA’s healthy living programs focus on making it easier for customers to choose healthy products and offering in-store assistance to customers—both children and adults—about leading a healthier lifestyle.

Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.