Green Giant Fresh Corn

In preparation for the upcoming corn season, Pioneer Growers is launching two new packaged sweet corn products: a tray package with eight ears of corn sold in a 10-count case instead of the 12-count industry standard and a grab-and-go microwavable bag package. Both products feature the Green Giant brand.


GG_MicroCorn_Bag_HR“We developed the 10-count case to assist retailers in reducing shrink,” said Jon Browder, Pioneer sales manager. “Most companies offer 12 trays per case but we felt the reduced size would provide retailers with both cost savings and increased value.”

The new 10-count case is available with yellow, white and bi-color sweet corn varieties.

GG_MicroCorn_OpenBox_HRGG_ThreeQuarterShot_HRThe grab-and-go bags hold 12 corn cobbettes per consumer package. Each cobbette is individually wrapped in a steam-fresh microwavable bag. The 30-oz. Green Giant-branded resealable bags are available in a six-count carton.

“This type of package is the first of its kind available for sweet corn,” said Browder. “This not only provides consumers with options for single-serving sizes but the microwavable packaging provides a convenient solution for fresh prepared corn in minutes.”

Both products will be ready to ship during the sweet corn season, which runs April 1-July 4.

GG_MicroCorn_ClosedBox_HR“Our sales data analysis shows that consumers who purchase packaged corn continue to purchase this product even during the peak bulk corn season,” said Gene Duff, VP and GM at Pioneer. “Packaged corn provides added value to the corn category during the spring/summer season and we’ve seen increased sales results using the Green Giant brand.”

GG_Overhead_HRBoth products feature the Box Tops for Education coupon. This fundraising program is one of the nation’s largest school loyalty programs with more than 90,000 K-8 schools participating nationwide. Each Box Tops coupon is worth 10 cents and schools can use their Box Tops cash to buy whatever they need most, from books to field trips to playgrounds. So far, America’s schools have earned more than $525 million from Box Tops.

Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.