• The Mass. Restaurant Assn. is reminding members that Form 8027 used by establishments to make annual reports to the IRS on receipts from food or beverage operations and tips reported by employees is due by March 2 for manual forms and electronic forms are due by March 31. Two conditions apply for using the form: tipping is a customary practice and 10 or more employees work at least 80 payroll hours on a typical day.
  • Members of Sysco met with commissioners of the Federal Trade Commission last week to avoid a possible antitrust lawsuit to block Sysco’s purchase of U.S. Foods.
  • The Boston City Council is reviewing a proposal that would allow diners to bring their own beer or wine to small restaurants.
  • All Burtons Grill locations in Massachusetts are donating 20 percent of all proceeds in February from its own Pink Chartini Martini to various charities.

Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.