The Food Marketing Institute (FMI) Foundation hosted its third annual gala event Monday evening in Scottsdale, Ariz. The event celebrated the accomplishments and investments of the food retail industry in addressing social concerns. The FMI Foundation raised $800,000 and will continue to concentrate its efforts on food safety and health and nutrition initiatives, research and programs.
Leveraging the foundation’s contributions, FMI says it continues to tackle challenging food safety concerns, such as Listeria monocytogenes; fund scholarships for future food safety auditors; and forge partnerships to address complex nutrition and wellness issues.
The foundation will further chart its course into 2014 across all its focus areas, with a renewed emphasis on its Family Meals campaign, which is symbolically recognized each year with the Gold Plate Awards. FMI Foundation Executive Director and FMI VP Health and Wellness Cathy Polley told the gala attendees on Monday. “We are a powerful, collective group. Together, as an industry, we can send a message to consumers—we can elevate the role of the grocer as a partner in making family meals happen.”
Polley announced that Family Meals’ redesigned website will offer a customizable campaign toolbox so that companies can promote their own Family Meals inspiration to shoppers. In order to literally seal their commitment and support the initiative, gala attendees signed plates and posted their photos to the Family Meals’ Instagram account. FMI President and CEO Leslie G. Sarasin signed the first plate.