IGA label savers image

IGA has launched its IGA Hometown Label Savers, a new community-based marketing program that encourages community nonprofit organizations to collect IGA Exclusive Brand product barcodes in exchange for funding toward organizational needs.

To implement the program, eligible nonprofit organizations can submit an application to the IGA Hometown Label Savers team, identifying a preferred IGA store location. Once the application is approved by the Label Savers team, the organization is posted on consumer-facing IGA Hometown Label Savers microsite—found at IGA.com—letting shoppers know they can start collecting barcodes to support their cause.

“This national, yearlong marketing program encourages community nonprofit organizations to collect IGA Exclusive Brand product barcodes in exchange for funding towards organizational needs,” Dave Bennett, SVP of procurement and exclusive brands for IGA USA, said in the company’s Independent View newsletter.

“It’s a turnkey program. IGA USA and the approved organizations handle the logistics so retailers can focus on building engagement and enthusiasm among their shoppers,” said Wayne Altschul, VP of IGA Exclusive Brands. “When a shopper sees an IGA Exclusive Brand product label in their home, they know where it came from. Now when they look at that product, they’ll also know they’re doing their part to support their larger community.”
According to Bennett, the program gives IGA retailers an opportunity to show their commitment to the local community, “while at the same time building loyalty for your IGA Exclusive Brand line. What better differentiation from the competition can there be than that?” he said.

Once chosen, the organization can collect bundles of 500 barcodes from shoppers and submit them to IGA in exchange for a $15 donation good toward the nonprofit’s needs.

Barrett says retailers and organizations participate for free; the event is funded entirely by IGA.

“This program is unique in that it gives retailers, organizations and the IGA shoppers that support them the opportunity to work together to achieve fundraising goals that allow organizations to continue their good work in IGA communities,” Barrett said.


Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.