fresh & green's image

The Natural Markets Food Group (NMFG), parent company of Fresh & Green’s grocery stores, has decided to close its six Fresh & Green’s stores in Washington, D.C., and Maryland, citing the stores’ unprofitability. After a wind-down period, all will be closed by the end of December.

NMFG acquired the former SuperFresh stores from A&P in 2011 and reopened them under the Fresh & Green’s banner, operating one location on 48th Street NW in D.C. and five stores in Baltimore, Chestertown, Arnold, Brunswick and Cambridge.

Robin S. Michel, CEO of NMFG, said of the closings: “This was a very difficult business decision. Since the Natural Markets Food Group acquired Fresh & Green’s we have worked diligently to create a sustainable business model for the stores. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, the stores remained unprofitable. Closing stores is never easy, given the impact on employees and the communities they serve…but there are times when it is necessary, and this is such a time. We’ve reached the point at which continuing to operate these stores does not make financial sense for the company.

“We are very appreciative of the work done by the employees who have worked at the Fresh & Green’s store locations, some for many years,” he said, “and we pledge our commitment to provide assistance to them.”

Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.