FMI Community Outreach Awards image

To recognize and honor the food retail industry’s role as neighborhood partners in service initiatives, the Food Marketing Institute (FMI) is now accepting nominations for the 2013 Community Outreach Awards. These awards highlight the many contributions food retailers make to their community and serve the industry as a source of creative inspiration for service programs.

Nominations are being accepted across three categories: youth development programs, programs addressing food insecurity, and neighborhood health improvement programs.

Two winners from each category will receive a $1,000 donation to enhance the program as well as a plaque. Nominations are due Dec. 31 and winners will be announced in January.

FMI selects finalists based on submissions containing program descriptions, metrics and evaluations.  The criteria by which the entries are evaluated include the level of employee and community participation, merit derived by the community, as well as originality and creativity of the entry.

Go here for complete rules and an application for submitting entries, or contact Jessica Carpenter at [email protected].

Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.