Charles Matthaei, chairman of the board at Roman Meal Co., was presented with the 2013 University of Washington Distinguished Alumni Veteran Award at the Veterans Day celebration and ceremony at the Medal of Honor Memorial, University of Washington (UW) Seattle, on Monday. Matthaei was recognized for his naval service and a lifetime of philanthropy, civic activism and passionate advocacy of research and programs that promote wellness.

The ceremony concluded the UW’s Veterans Appreciation Week, which commemorated Veterans Day 2013 and honored UW students, alumni, faculty and staff who served and continue to serve in the U.S. Armed Forces. UW President Michael Young presented the award to Matthaei following a speech delivered by Sen. Patty Murray.

A World War II veteran and UW class of 1943 alumnus, Matthaei studied chemical engineering before he was called to duty on the battleship USS Missouri. After returning from the Pacific, he went to work for the Tacoma-based family business, Roman Meal Co. Under Matthaei’s leadership, Roman Meal bread became a staple in kitchens across America. In 2008, he was inducted into the Baking Hall of Fame. Over the years, Matthaei developed a working relationship with the Linus Pauling Institute (LPI), a health and wellness research organization connected to Oregon State University. As a result, Roman Meal Co. sponsors the LPI Healthy Aging Program and partners with LPI on many health and wellness initiatives. Matthaei has been recognized by several Pacific Northwest community organizations, including the Boy Scouts of America, Tacoma Rotary and the MultiCare Health Foundation and Center for Healthy Living.

Veterans Appreciation Week is a campus-wide community initiative coordinated by the UW Alumni Association. Events included the UW Alumni/Student Veteran Reception, Veterans Career Resource Fair and Husky Football’s “Committed to Service” Game.

In the feature photo at top: James Matthaei; Charles Matthaei, Roman Meal Co.’s chairman of the board; University of Washington President Michael Young; and Sen. Patty Murray observe a moment of silence during the UW Veterans Day celebration and ceremony.


Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.