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NACS announced the election of its 2013-14 executive committee during its board of directors meeting at the NACS Show in Atlanta earlier this month.

Brad Call, general counsel and EVP of adventure culture at Utah-based Maverik Inc., was named the association’s 2013-14 board chairman. Call also chairs the NACS executive committee, which provides strategic direction and financial oversight to the association.

Also named to the NACS executive committee were the following retail members of the association:

• NACS Vice Chairman-Treasurer: Steve Loehr, VP of operations support at LaCrosse, Wis.-based Kwik Trip Inc.

• NACS Vice Chairman of Government Relations and of NACSPAC: Peter Tedeschi, president and CEO of Rockland, Mass.-based Tedeschi Food Shops

• NACS Vice Chairman of Convention: Jack Kofdarali, president of Corona, Calif.-based J&T Management Inc.

• NACS Vice Chairman of Research: Joseph Sheetz, president and CEO of Altoona, Pa.-based Sheetz Inc.

• NACS Vice Chairman of Member Services: Rahim Budhwani, CEO of Hoover, Ala.-based 6040 LLC

• NACS Vice Chairman of International: Frank Gleeson, retail director at Dublin, Ireland-based Topaz Energy Group Ltd.

• NACS Vice Chairman: Tony Kenney, president of Enon, Ohio-based Speedway LLC.

Also on the NACS executive committee are 2012-13 NACS Chairman Dave Carpenter, president and CEO of J.D. Carpenter Cos. Inc. (Urbandale, Iowa), and 2011-12 NACS Chairman Tom Robinson, president of Robinson Oil Corp. (Santa Clara, Calif.).

Find photos from the NACS Show here.

Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.