Linda Doherty Person of the Year 2

The New Jersey Weights and Measures Association Inc. recognized Linda M. Doherty, president and CEO of the New Jersey Food Council (NJFC), as Person of the Year at the 103rd Annual Conference earlier this month in Atlantic City.

Each year, the membership of the New Jersey Weights and Measures Association selects a person who has made a significant impact on weights and measures public policy and collaborated in the spirit of cooperation with agency officials. Doherty was chosen as Person of the Year based on her efforts in working with the association to ensure a fair and equitable marketplace and equal protection for consumers.

“This is not only a great honor to me but to the membership of the food council (in that) the New Jersey Weights and Measures Association recognizes our organization with such high regard,” Doherty said.

Doherty has been with NJFC for 20 years and has served as president and CEO for the last nine. She started with the Trenton-based business group as assistant to the president and held various communication and public affairs roles before being named president and CEO by the board of directors in 2003.


Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.