Grocery Outlet is kicking off the third annual “Independence from Hunger” food drive, a month-long, company-wide campaign.

Over the past two years, more than $500,000 has been raised in cash, gift cards and food donations company-wide through the Independence from Hunger campaign. In 2013, the campaign aims to raise even more support to help fight hunger. This month, Grocery Outlet will encourage its customers and employees to donate food and cash to support local food assistance agencies.

“We are extremely proud to once again take up the challenge to help combat hunger in our communities,” says MacGregor Read, co-CEO of Grocery Outlet Inc. “Our team of independent owners and operators are committed to supporting their neighbors in need, and Independence from Hunger is one way to make that goal a reality.”

Grocery Outlet’s nearly 200 stores are working directly with local food agencies to help those suffering from food insecurity over what is traditionally a slow donation period. Grocery Outlet’s customers can help the cause with these in-store options:

• Look for specialty-marked food items. These are items that have been designated in need for the community by local food banks. Customers may purchase these items and put them in the collection bin at the front of the store.

• Donate by letting a Grocery Outlet cashier know. Donations will go directly to the local food assistance agencies.

• Pick up information at a Grocery Outlet store about hunger, food insecurity and local/national resources for people in need. Be informed and willing to help.

• Join the in-store events at Grocery Outlet stores to support the Independence from Hunger food drive.

“Grocery Outlet is dedicated to our deeply entrenched culture of grassroots giving,” says Eric Lindberg, co-CEO of Grocery Outlet. “It has always been and will continue to be a big part of who we are.”

Berkeley, Calif.-based Grocery Outlet has stores in Arizona, California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon and Washington.



Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.