NGA and Brick Meets Click paper

The National Grocers Association (NGA) and Brick Meets Click (BMC) on Wednesday announced the publication of the “NGA/Brick Meets Click Digital Check-Up.” The paper, which analyzes data from an online survey of more than 22,000 grocery customers, includes data on digital shopper readiness and retailer engagement. The results show that grocery shoppers are not just ready to connect online with food retailers; a lot of them are already doing it.

“The thing that surprised me was that 13 percent of the shoppers surveyed had bought some grocery products online in the last 30 days” said Bill Bishop, chief architect of Brick Meets Click. “That tells you that while sales are still small, there’s significant customer interest in online grocery shopping.”

The survey was conducted in the first quarter of 2013 and included shoppers from seven different banners on the East and West coasts and the Midwest. Key takeaways include information on consumer texting, smartphone use, online shopping, grocer engagement and e-marketing. It is the first element of an NGA/Brick Meets Click partnership that will provide NGA members with insight to help them compete successfully in what is becoming a multi-channel grocery business.

“We are excited to expand our partnership with Brick Meets Click,” said Peter J. Larkin, president and CEO of NGA. “By pairing their research expertise with our channel of independent grocers, we are increasingly able to bring value to our membership and keep them ahead of the game on shopper insights and engagement.”


Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.