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The Food Marketing Institute (FMI) this week recommended its 2013-2014 slate of officers at its board of directors meeting, concurrent with its professional development conference, Future Connect. The officers represent a path forward in light of FMI’s strategic planning efforts, which set the course for FMI over the next three to five years, the organization says.

Given the instrumental role played by the current board officers in developing the strategic plan, FMI chairman, Harris Teeter President and COO Fred Morganthall, and other officers have agreed to remain in their current roles for an additional year to oversee implementation of the plan. One change was made to the slate of officers. Due to the impending retirement of Unified Grocers CEO Al Plamann, FMI appointed Jerry Garland, president and CEO of Associated Wholesale Grocers Inc., to fill Plamann’s seat as FMI’s vice chairman of wholesaler and independent operators.

The FMI 2013-2014 officers include Vice Chairmen Rob Bartels, president and CEO of Martin’s Supermarkets Inc.—public affairs; Henry Johnson, president of W. Lee Flowers & Co. Inc.—finance; Tres Lund, chairman and CEO of Lund Food Holdings Inc.—member services; Scott Schnuck, chairman and CEO of Schnuck Markets Inc.—industry relations; and Steven Smith, president and CEO of K-VA-T Food Stores Inc.—past chair.



Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.