Ahold USA's Laura Williams

Ahold USA today said that Laura Williams, SVP and deputy general counsel, has been named an award recipient in the 2013 Women of Influence Awards by Central Penn Business Journal. Williams was selected as one of the top nominees by judges for her leadership and achievements within Ahold USA, as well as for her contributions to the community. As an award winner, Williams will be recognized at an event Monday, May 13, at the Hilton Harrisburg.

Ahold USA’s risk management and asset protection support functions report to Williams and she plays a critical role in the company’s merger and acquisition activities. She previously served as the first general counsel of Giant Food Stores, which was a precursor to her current role within the larger Ahold USA organization. Williams also currently serves as chair of the Harrisburg Regional Chamber board of directors and is a board member for the Central Pennsylvania Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel.

“This community recognition is well-deserved,” says Dave Black, president of the Harrisburg Regional Chamber. “Laura’s business law knowledge along with her ability to craft practical solutions within the rapidly changing environment has earned her the respect of colleagues both inside and outside of her company.”

The Women of Influence Awards recognizes 25 women leaders in Central Pennsylvania who are influential in their companies, industries and communities, and who have solid reputations based on their experience, integrity, leadership and accomplishments. The fourth annual Women of Influence Awards program is presented by Comcast Business Class and Comcast Spotlight and is a program of the Central Penn Business Journal.


Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.