NuZee Coffee Blenders

NuZee Co. Ltd. is introducing Coffee Blenders, the first energy boost creamer that adds both energy and flavor to coffee. Formulated with a proprietary blend that provides 2,000mg of energy derived from vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B6 vitamin B12, along with naturally occurring caffeine, taurine, ginseng and guarana, Coffee Blenders provides sustained energy without the “crash” caused by other energy drink products, according to a company news release.

Adding the caffeine equivalent of four espresso shots, each 2.5-oz. Coffee Blender boosts coffee with 47 calories and no trans fats or cholesterol. Milk-based Coffee Blenders is available in four flavors: French Vanilla, Hazelnut, Irish Crème and Vanilla Caramel.

“Coffee Blenders is not only for the coffee generation but for everyone who needs an extra boost to start their day,” said Craig Hagopian, president and CEO of NuZee. “We developed Coffee Blenders from the ground up to satisfy the demands of the 180 million U.S. consumers who prefer coffee as their morning beverage. It also is an alternative for individuals who dislike the taste of mainstream energy shots or don’t like consuming large energy drinks with many fluid ounces.”

Coffee Blenders currently is ramping production and will begin shipping to select retailers across the U.S. in the second quarter of 2013. The product will retail nationally for between $1.49-$1.99.


Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.