Marriott Detroit
Marriott Detroit

Food industry retailers, wholesalers and manufacturers will be honored at the 85th annual trade dinner of the Michigan Food and Beverage Association (MFBA) and the Detroit Association of Grocery Manufacturers’ Representatives (DAGMR) on Thursday, March 14, at the Detroit Marriott Renaissance Hotel.

Registration and networking begins at 5:30 p.m., followed by cocktail hour at 6 p.m. The program begins at 6:30 p.m.

MFBA Chairman Ed Deeb and DAGMR President Jim O’Shea of Motown Snack Foods will make the presentations.

Industry awards are being presented to Garden Fresh Salsa Co., Manufacturer of the Year; Peabody’s Restaurant (individual), Restaurant of the Year; Better Made Snack Foods, Snack Food Distributor of the Year; Buddy’s Pizza (chain), Family Restaurant of the Year; Country Fresh Dairy, Beverage Distributor of the Year; Forgotten Harvest, Michigan Food Industry Community Service Award; Gordon Food Service, Institutional Wholesale Distributor of the Year; Ed Fernandez, Distinguished Service Award; and Holiday Market, Retailer of the Year (independent).

Special awards will be presented to The Kroger Co. and Mastronardi Produce.

“The honorees which will receive awards at this annual trade dinner have earned these honors because they have provided outstanding service and excellent innovative systems to assist their customers and the community,” Deeb said.

A Lifetime Achievement Award will be presented to Abe Abraham, founder of S. Abraham and Sons, a wholesale distributor based in Grand Rapids. He celebrates his 100th birthday this year.

Mark Hackel, Macomb County executive, will be the keynote speaker and guest of honor.

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