The Asparagus Club activities at the 2013 National Grocers Association (NGA) Show last month were a great success, according to a news release from NGA. Preliminary results show that the organization raised nearly $10,000 in contributions from the Asparagus Club breakfast, Expo Longest Drive Contest and Silent Auction.
The Asparagus Club also sponsored a university case study competition, with eight universities participating. Saint Joseph’s University won first place and received a scholarship of $4,000, with team members sharing $4,000 in prizes as well.
The Baton Rouge Area Foundation also is accepting applications for the 2013 Asparagus Club Scholarships. Each year, subject to availability of funds, up to 10 scholarships are awarded to rising full-time juniors, seniors or graduate students pursuing a degree in business, food management or another relevant course of study leading to a career in the grocery industry, with preference given to the independent retail and wholesale sector. Each scholarship is $1,500 per semester (fall and spring only) for a maximum of four consecutive semesters. Recipients must maintain a 2.5 GPA per semester/quarter and full-time status to continue receiving the scholarship.
The deadline for the scholarship is April 30. Applications can be found here.
In addition, the Asparagus Club has named its 2013-2014 officers:
• Past president: Dave Jones, The Kellogg Co.
• President: Dan Shaul, Missouri Grocers Association
• 1st VP: Neal Berube, Associated Food Stores
• 2nd VP: Jay Lawrence, Lawrence Brothers Supermarkets
• Secretary/treasurer: Matt Keller, Unilever
• Scholarship chairman: Jay Campbell, Associated Grocers Inc.-Baton Rouge
“I look forward to leading the Asparagus Club in the coming year as the members continue to explore ways to ensure that the grocery industry has highly qualified leaders for future generations,” said Dan Shaul, state director of the Missouri Grocers Association and president of the Asparagus Club. “It is my goal that the Asparagus Club can continue to offer scholarships to students desiring employment in this great industry and to further its ability to assist the National Grocers Association in assuring the success of the independent retailer.”
The Asparagus Club was founded in 1909 to generate a spirit of cooperation and fellowship among members of the grocery industry. It is affiliated with NGA and has sought to unite all segments of the grocery industry—retailers, wholesalers and manufacturers as well as state and national trade association executives.