Dathan Mitchell
Dathan Mitchell,
Chairman, CEO
Shelby Publishing Co. Inc.

There are very few times in life when you have the opportunity and privilege of being part of, and announcing, the merger of two enduring, respected publications who share a history like The Griffin Report and The Shelby Report.

We are extremely pleased to share with you this great news here. As of March 1, 2013, Shelby Publishing Co. has purchased The Griffin Report, the genealogical “ancestor” of The Shelby Report. John Griffin, Kevin’s father and founder of the paper, actually launched a Southeast edition of The Griffin Report back in the late 1960s in Atlanta. The late Gary Shelby acquired the publication in 1973, and now, as history in this instance has a positive way of repeating itself, we are one again. The further good news is, this time, the Griffin name lives on.

The two publications meld into one. Shelby will continue to operate out of Gainesville, Ga., and Kevin Griffin and his team will continue to operate out of Duxbury, Mass.

Gary Shelby
Gary Shelby

The Shelby Report’s inimitable model for covering the grocery industry region by region across the United States will not change, but now The Shelby Report of the Northeast becomes The Griffin Report—a Shelby Publication.

The Griffin Report has been synonymous with the New England region for 47 years, and Kevin and his team will continue to be so. They know it well. Circulation of both publications will be consolidated and absorbed into The Griffin Report. So for our Northeast subscribers, you will soon see a “new” edition by an old familiar name.

What does this mean to the reader and advertiser? Simply put: More and broader coverage, relevant national news and consequently more executives, buyers, merchandisers and managers reading this edition.

This move strengthens our, your publication and enables us to expand in many categories to ensure you are getting a balance of local and national coverage in an upgraded format.

Kevin and I, as do the entire Griffin and Shelby team, thank you for your loyal readership and advertising support over the many years. We share a proud history and value greatly your confidence in our unique brand of news and features. All of us are committed to make it even better going forward.

Thank you for reading The Griffin Report!

Broadening and Sharpening Our Focus

Kevin Griffin
Kevin Griffin,
Griffin Publishing Co.

I am pleased and proud to announce the partnership of The Griffin Report and Shelby Publishing Company effective with our March issue.

For nearly 50 years The Griffin Report, founded by my father John Griffin, has reported on the people and products making food industry news in the Northeast. During that time our paper has earned a reputation for timely and factual reporting and recognition as the “voice” of the food industry in the region.

John Griffin
John Griffin

Our partnership with Shelby Publishing will continue The Griffin Report tradition of excellence while adding the broader, region-by-region perspective available from The Shelby Report’s outstanding national coverage. The world has indeed become flat, and our combined publications and focus will assure that you, our readers, receive all the relevant industry news in depth and on time.

Please join me in welcoming the Shelby team, headed by Dathan Mitchell and Ron Johnston, and their contributions to making your Griffin Report an even more comprehensive, relevant and informative source of what’s news in the food industry.

The Shelby Report delivers complete grocery news and supermarket insights nationwide through the distribution of five monthly regional print and digital editions. Serving the retail food trade since 1967,...