Joe Sheridan new NGA board chairman

The National Grocers Association (NGA), by recommendation of its nominating committee and a subsequent vote by its membership, recently elected 13 and re-elected six members to its board of directors.

Retailer members elected to the board include:

• RF Buche, president, GF Buche Co;

• Eric Geyer, president/CEO, Geyer’s Markets Inc.;

• Nolan Lockwood, president and COO, Walla Walla’s Harvest Foods;

• Alan Nidiffer, EVP, C&K Market Inc.;

• Eric Stille, president, Nugget Market Inc.; and

• Bill White, owner, Belle Foods LLC.


New wholesalers elected to the board include:

• Ted Adornato, EVP of wholesale operations, Spartan Stores;

• Martin Arter, president/CEO, Affiliated Foods Midwest;

• Michael Bozzuto, chairman, president/CEO, Bozzuto’s Inc.; and

• David Mitchell, president, Mitchell Grocery Corp.


Newly appointed wholesalers include:

• Kevin Elliott, EVP and COO, Nash Finch Co.


New state association executive elected to the board is:

• Dan Shaul, state director, Missouri Grocers Association.


New manufacturer/service supplier elected to the board is:

• Brian Lernihan, VP of industry and customer development, Unilever.


Retailers re-elected to the board of directors include:

• Brad Brookshire, CEO, Brookshire Grocery Co.; and

• Barry Queen, CEO, Queen Enterprises LLC.


Wholesalers re-elected to the board of directors include:

• Jim Denges, president/CEO, Central Grocers Inc.;

• Bob Ling, president, Unified Grocers Inc.; and

• Cal Miller, CEO, Associated Grocers of Florida.


Manufacturers/service supplier re-elected to the board of directors include:

• Lisa Walsh, VP of customer management, PepsiCo Inc.


On Saturday, at the 2013 NGA Show at the Mirage Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, the board confirmed that the following officers were elected by ballot:

• Chairman: Joe Sheridan, president and COO, Wakefern Food Corp.;

• Immediate past chairman: Chris Coborn, president/CEO, Coborn’s Inc.;

• Vice chairman: Rich Niemann Jr., president/CEO, Niemann Foods Inc.;

• Treasurer: Kevin Doris, president/CEO, Gerland Corp.; and

• Secretary: Neal Berube, president/CEO, Associated Food Stores Inc.

Additionally, the officers appointed the 2013 executive committee members:

• Roger Collins, chairman and CEO, Harp’s Food Stores Inc.;

• Jerry Garland, president/CEO, Associated Wholesale Grocers;

• Rich McMenamin, president, McMenamin Family ShopRite;

• Jim Ried, president/CEO, Olean Wholesale Grocery Corp.; and

• Cheryl Sommer, president, Kaune’s Neighborhood Market.


Under the bylaws Peter Larkin, NGA’s president and CEO, also serves as a member of the executive committee. NGA recognizes the following outgoing board members for their service and leadership:

• Michael Bourgoine, president/CEO, Associated Grocers of New England;

• Christopher Brown, Nash Finch (retired);

• Nicholas D’Agostino III, president/CEO, D’Agostino Supermarkets Inc.;

• Eric Hench, chairman, Chief Supermarket Inc.;

• Dean Janeway, CEO, Key Food Stores Cooperative;

• Derek Jones, EVP of wholesale operations, Spartan Stores Inc.;

• Steve Latham, SVP, First Data;

• Roger Lowe Jr., CEO and VP, Lowe’s Supermarkets;

• Michael Provenzano, president/CEO, Pro’s Ranch Markets;

• Edward Roche, COO, Roche Bros. Supermarkets;

• Brandon Scholz, president and CEO, Wisconsin Grocers Association; and

• Donald Weiss, president/CEO, WiseWay SuperCenters.

In the featured photo at top: Joe Sheridan, chairman and COO of Wakefern Food Corp., has been elected chairman of the NGA board of directors.

More NGA Show photos can be found here. Check back for updates and additional photos from the show throughout the week.


Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.