Andrew Borracchini is Washington's 2012 Best Bagger

Andrew Borracchini, an 18-year-old grocery bagger from West Seattle’s Metropolitan Market has bagged the championship in the Washington State Best Bagger competition for the second year in a row. He competed and won against 11 other contestants from across the state for the $1,500 cash prize and an all-expense paid trip to compete at the National Best Bagger competition in Las Vegas in February.

Andrew in actionThe National Best Bagger contest, sponsored by the National Grocers Association (NGA), is a year-long, nationwide program and an exciting competitive event that recongizes the best grocery baggers in the country. Contestants are judged on speed, proper bagging techniques and great customer service. The state championship, hosted by the Washington Food Industry Association and emceed by John Keister of “Almost Live!,” proved as lively as ever as the annual event was held at the Tacoma Convention Center on Oct. 25. The annual state finals gather Washington’s top baggers who have qualified to compete after multi-round competitions within their own stores among employees. The carefully selected baggers who compete at the Best Bagger State Championship get a taste of the pressure the winner of the high-speed event will face at nationals. Since Borracchini will be returning to represent his home state of Washington he says he is extremely excited for the chance at a rematch.

“Vegas here we come!” he shouted after the state championship last week.

When asked about his strategy at nationals, he said he would be employing the same technique of speed and strategy.

“Not doing much differently, just working harder,” he said.

Borracchini’s store manager Glen Hasstedt, who previously trained Borracchini’s brother and sister at Metropolitan Market, urges the state winner to “stay grounded and do your work, do not get overwhelmed.” He added that this year Borracchini has “a great shot, and is supported by his great family.”

The Borracchini family, longtime members of Seattle’s grocery industry, owns Borracchini Bakery, a favorite among Seattle residents since its founding in 1922.

Metropolitan Market stores are led the company’s president, Terry Halverson, a member of the board of directors of the Washington Food Industry Association —the nonprofit organization that annually sponsors the Washington State Best Bagger and represents members of the independent local food industry.

Other prizes awarded went to: first runner up Erik Behrens of Rosauers in Spokane, and third place finisher Kelli Little of Haggen Northwest Fresh of Bellingham.

In the featured photo at top: Andrew Borracchini, center, with his store manager Glen Hasstedt, left, and Metropolitan Market President Terry Halverson.


Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.

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