Today, America’s beer distributors are joining citizens throughout the country in commemorating Constitution Day, which celebrates the formation and signing of the U.S. Constitution on Sept. 17, 1787. National Beer Wholesalers Association (NBWA) President and CEO Craig Purser issued the following statement:

“NBWA welcomes the celebration of our nation’s Constitution, including its role in establishing the effective state-based alcohol regulatory system that we have in America today. Alcohol is the only product in commerce with two constitutional amendments of its own. The 18th Amendment, which established National Prohibition, was a failure because it was a one-size-fits-all policy imposed by the federal government on a large and diverse population. The 21st Amendment recognized this failure and not only repealed Prohibition but established today’s successful system of alcohol regulation and distribution which gives each state primary authority to enact and enforce alcohol laws consistent with the desires and needs of its citizens. America’s 3,300 independent, licensed beer distributors—and the 98,000 men and women in the industry—are proud to be part of this effective system of alcohol controls that works to protect the public and provide consumers with unparalleled choice and variety.”

The NBWA represents the interests of America’s 3,300 licensed, independent beer distributor operations in every state, congressional district and media market across the country. Beer distributors are committed to ensuring alcohol is provided safely and responsibly to consumers of legal drinking age through the three-tier, state-based system of alcohol regulation and distribution.


Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.