Moylan and Johnson

Mary Ann Moylan, RD, LDN, CDE, an in-store nutritionist at the Giant Super Food Store in Willow Grove, Pa., has assisted hundreds of customers make healthier choices since the store opened four years ago.

Helen Johnson, a shopper at the Willow Grove Giant, recently reached a milestone with the help of Moylan and her individualized nutrition consultations. In 21 months, Johnson achieved her goal weight, losing 113 pounds in the process.

In May 2010, she weighed in at 248 pounds; now she’s at 135 pounds.

“I couldn’t be happier for Helen reaching this milestone as her hard work and dedication over these past two years paid off in a big and healthy way,” said Moylan. “As a supermarket, Giant is in a unique position to help customers navigate the grocery aisles to make the right healthy choices for individuals and their families. Helen’s weight loss is the most of any Giant customer who has been working with me to date and I encourage others to consider learning more about healthy eating during their next shopping trip at Giant.

After Johnson’s initial individual nutrition consultation with Johnson, an individualized meal plan and exercise regime were developed to fit Johnson’s daily lifestyle as she started working to achieve her overall weight goal. Johnson had follow-up nutrition visits with Moyland every three to four weeks.

Johnson says she is feeling healthier than she has in a long time.

“I knew that I was going to die if I didn’t take better care of myself,” said Johnson. “Thanks to Mary Ann’s help, I was still able to eat the foods I liked, just substituting some of the ingredients with more healthy options.”

Giant has five in-store nutritionists available in stores across its market area. The in-store nutritionists are available for one-on-one nutrition consultations by appointment and also teach health-related classes within the store.

For more information, visit

 In photo at top:

Giant store nutritionist Mary Ann Moylan played a role in the weight loss success of shopper Helen Johnson.

Senior Content Creator Lorrie began covering the supermarket and foodservice industries at Shelby Publishing in 1988, an English major fresh out of the University of Georgia. She began as an editorial...