The Teamsters Union has announced that its members working at Hostess voted overwhelmingly—more than 90 percent in favor—to authorize a strike if Hostess is granted its motion to impose unfair contract terms as part of the bankruptcy process.

Teamster local unions that comprise the national bargaining unit for more than 7,500 Hostess employees conducted strike authorization votes during the past 10 days. A majority of the members participated in the strike vote.

Teamsters logo“This vote shows that, while our Hostess members are willing to take significant steps to save the company, they can only go so far,” said Dennis Raymond, director of the Teamsters Bakery and Laundry Conference. “Twice before, they have made sacrifices to help this company with no progress to show for it. They need to see their sacrifices matched by other key stakeholders and they need protections to make sure their sacrifices are not made in vain again due to mismanagement. While we remain committed to finding a solution to save the company, it won’t be done solely on the backs of our members and Hostess employees.”

“The Teamsters Union is committed to vigorously defending its position against the 1113 motion to impose unfair employment terms that the company filed at the outset of the bankruptcy process,” said Ken Hall, Teamsters International VP. “The strike authorization should send a loud and clear message about our determination, and we will be equally determined in defending our case before the court.”

A hearing on the motion is scheduled to begin March 5 and the judge has 30 days to issue a ruling.

“In a related development, as a result of the loud protests from our members and other represented Hostess employees, the company has deferred its motion to request that the court approve CEO Driscoll’s employment contract until mid-March,” Hall added. “The delay shows that our voices were heard and, while the contract remains an open issue, we will continue to press the principle of equal sacrifice for all stakeholders, including the CEO.”

Founded in 1903, the Teamsters Union represents 1.4 million men and women throughout the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico, including more than 7,500 route sales representatives, drivers and other employees at Hostess.


Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.