Trader Joe’s has field paperwork with Colorado officials to come to the state for the first time, reports the Denver Business Journal.

The California-based grocer and specialty foods company filed paperwork with the Colorado Secretary of State’s office last week saying it intends to start doing business in the state on April 1.

Sources told the Denver Business Journal that Trader Joe’s has inked three contracts to lease locations in metro Denver. It isn’t clear where the locations are.

The chain currently has some 365 stores in 31 states, with about half of the locations in California. Its nearest stores to Denver are in Santa Fe and Albuquerque, N.M., according to the Journal.

The chain is known for such quirks as the Hawaiian shirts its employees wear and the cheap “Two Buck Chuck” wine it sells in states, like California, where liquor is sold in grocery stores.

The company’s website ( does not show Colorado as a state where stores are coming soon.

An online petition shows more than 4,244 people want the retailer in the state, the Journal reports.


Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.