Dole is out to make it socially acceptable to go bananas every day.

Undeterred that close to 90 percent of U.S. households already purchase bananas regularly—one of the highest penetrations of any supermarket item—the produce giant is challenging all Americans to make bananas part of their daily routine in 2012. The year-long initiative is consistent with Dole’s long-time goal of increasing the public’s nutritional health through greater consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, a news release says.

The Go Bananas Every Day™ campaign by Dole Fresh Fruit combines new recipes, promotions and partnerships with 366 ways to enjoy the fruit in 2012 (reflecting 2012’s status as a leap year).

Launched on Jan. 1, 366 Ways to Go Bananas in 2012™ features ways to enjoy a banana every day of the year. A sampling of the 366 Ways to Go Bananas in 2012:

• Day 8 (Jan. 8): Celebrate Elvis Presley’s birthday by eating his favorite sandwich, peanut butter and banana.

• Day 78 (Mar. 18): Treat your post-St. Patrick’s Day hangover with a banana, nature’s Vitamin B6-rich hangover cure.

• Day 154 (June 2): Celebrate National Trails Day by taking a banana with you on a hike. It’s nature’s perfect nutrient-dense portable pick-me-up.

• Day 238 (Aug. 25): Observe National Banana Split Day. The dessert celebrates its 108th birthday in 2012.

• Day 357 (Dec. 22): Arrange a basket of bananas, apples, pears, pineapples and other fruit to make a quick, easy and healthy last-minute Christmas gift.

For more information about Dole bananas, including recipes, serving suggestions and nutritional information, visit


Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.