As a warmup for the Kraft Fight Hunger Bowl played at AT&T Park on Saturday, football players from the University of Illinois and the Bruins of UCLA served meals to some of San Francisco’s neediest at St. Anthony’s and Glide Memorial on Friday, reports the San Francisco Business Times.

“At a time when we see increasing numbers of people who simply cannot stretch their dollars to cover food costs, the support and contributions from the Kraft Fight Hunger Bowl event is vitally important,” said St. Anthony’s Executive Director Shari Roeseler.

In 2010, proceeds from the Kraft Fight Hunger Bowl provided 21 million meals to hungry families around the country and, this year, Kraft will increase the number of meals donated to America’s most needy individuals to 25 million.

Since its inception in 2002, the Kraft Fight Hunger Bowl has generated more than $120 million in revenue for the city and county of San Francisco and continues to be the only bowl game dedicated to raising money and awareness about the issue of hunger in the United States.


Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.