In a letter to Walgreen’s CEO Gregory Wasson, the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (NHCLC) made its stance known by joining a growing number of civil rights groups that have weighed in against Walgreens stated plan to discontinue its partnership with Express Scripts.

“If your course is not reversed, if you do not choose to do the right thing, the danger to our community is such that we will have little choice but to consider urging the 34,000-member congregations and 16 million members of NHCLC across the country to add their voices and support to a national boycott of your company,” wrote NHCLC President Rev. Samuel Rodriquez.

“Latinos depend on the discounted prescription rates they are able to secure through Express Scripts. Our constituents will be hit with up to a 30 percent increase in the cost of vital medication should Walgreens no longer honor Express Scripts prescriptions,” said Rodriguez. “This would be devastating to our community.”



Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.