Jacksonville, Fla.-based The Winn-Dixie Foundation is investing nearly $1.4 million in neighborhoods across the Southeast through partnerships with 116 nonprofit organizations, providing a range of services critical to helping communities.

“Winn-Dixie is at the heart of the neighborhoods we serve,” said Mary Kellmanson, marketing group VP of Winn-Dixie Stores Inc. and president of the Winn-Dixie Foundation. “We are inspired by the stories we hear from past recipients, and we look forward to seeing the good work our newest partners will do in the coming year. Empowering these organizations through the Winn-Dixie Foundation with needed resources is one of many ways we invest in our communities.”

During the last year, the Winn-Dixie Foundation spent time visiting with past grant recipients in neighborhoods across Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi to see its partners in action. The Foundation helped an organization feed 45,000 children in Baton Rouge, La. It helped former tennis pro MaliVai Washington’s Kids Foundation teach life skills and provide scholarships to the 20,000 children assisted by his Jacksonville group. It also helped a South Florida organization in its fight against cancer and a Central Florida organization in its battle against domestic abuse.

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