Fresh & Easy got started on its first store Wednesday in Oak Park, but that’s just the beginning, in more ways than one, reports the Sacramento Business Journal.

The grocery chain also plans six other stores in the area in 2012, according to a statement from the store.

The stores are expected to bring another 150 jobs to the region.

The company has already opened 13 stores in Northern California.

Fresh & Easy chief executive officer Tim Mason said the company thinks everyone should have access to fresh food at affordable prices.

Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson was at the groundbreaking. He said he was excited to have one of the stores open in Oak Park. He said not only are they bringing jobs, but “high-quality, healthy food at affordable prices to neighborhoods that don’t always have access to such foods,” Johnson said to the Journal.

The Oak Park store is located at 34th and Broadway in Sacramento. The other locations planned in 2012 are: Watt and El Camino avenues, 34th Street and Broadway and Mack Road and Franklin Boulevard in Sacramento; Lincoln and Sterling Road in Lincoln; Elk Grove Florin Road and Calvine Road in Elk Grove and Natoma Street and Blue Ravine Road in Folsom.

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