The COVID-19 pandemic has been one of the most challenging business environments that independent community grocers have had to face – and it’s not over yet. The sudden...
Association News
The Retail Grocers Association of Greater Kansas City is celebrating a victory in the Kansas Legislature – the reduction and eventual elimination of the state’s food...
The National Grocers Association will host a variety of networking events at this year’s NGA Executive Conference and Public Policy Summit, scheduled for Oct. 24-26 in...
by Stephanie Johnson / NGA VP of Government Relations This summer was one of the busiest legislative sessions in Congress in recent memory. It culminated in major...
Tufts University’s Task Force on Hunger, Nutrition and Health released a comprehensive report including recommendations for the Biden administration to consider in...
“Whenever we’d proposed any changes…they said, ‘No, we had a deal and this would break the deal.’ Well, now they came along and broke the deal,” said Rob Ikard...
The Refrigerated Foods Association has named Douglas L. Marshall as its technical director. He has been a member of the RFA since January 2018. In this role, Marshall...
International Fresh Produce Association has announced that Laura Linney will be the keynote speaker for the Women’s Fresh Perspectives General Session on Oct. 29 at...