The Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice has released a much-anticipated proposed update to merger enforcement guidelines that marks a significant shift to...
Association News
In reaching a milestone of 5,000 graduates from its Retail Management Certificate program, the Western Association of Food Chains was quick to credit leadership support...
The National Grocers Association welcomed bipartisan discussion on competition policy and the bottom-line impact on independent grocers during a recent House Judiciary...
As part of Foundation Awareness Week, the National Grocers Association Foundation highlighted its initiatives to advance diversity, leadership development and careers in...
The National Grocers Association has presented Paul DeMarco with its Spirit of America Award, recognizing his commitment to the independent grocery industry. DeMarco...
by Ted Mason / Retail Technology Consultant Medicare Advantage healthy benefit cards offer a convenient way for eligible individuals to access their healthcare benefits...
by Pat Jones / Project Coordinator, NGAF TA Center The National Grocers Association Foundation Technical Assistance Center (NGAF TA Center) and the SNAP EBT...
How are food retailers and suppliers reacting to inflation, as well as a myriad other challenges in this post-pandemic era? FMI–The Food Industry Association’s 74th...