Women Impacting Storebrand Excellence (WISE) will present the webinar “Write Me, Call Me, Email Me, Text Me!: Managing & Motivating a Multi-Generational Workforce” on Wednesday, Sept. 16, 12-1 p.m. Registration is complimentary.
The webinar will focus on how to connect with and engage a multi-generational workforce, including how to foster mentorship and relationships among the generations. Opening these channels of communication will help improve connection, motivation and results.
The featured speaker will be Dr. Minette Riordan, an award-winning business owner, best-selling author and speaker. She successfully built a six-figure, multi-media publishing company targeting families in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. For more than 10 years, she ran Scissortail Publishing, publishers of North Texas Kids magazine and NorthTexasKids.com and producers of North Texas Kids family expos. She credits her success to learning how to connect with others through networking, referrals, strategic partnerships and an attitude of service to others first. Her secret to sales success is not about winning a numbers game, but playing the people game: cultivating an attitude of curiosity and openness that will quickly help attract clients and fans.
After selling her publishing company, Riordan relocated to Santa Barbara, California, with her husband of 19 years and their two children. She currently works with individuals and companies to improve their interpersonal communication skills so that they can improve morale, feel motivated to succeed and make more money.
Attendees will learn:
- What different generations need in order to feel motivated
- How expectations differ among generations
- How different experiences form attitudes about work
- How different generations view work/life balance
- A simple tool for improving communications among staff
- Tips for nurturing leadership and mentorship for each generation
Attendees will receive in advance a 10-minute core temperament assessment to take before the webinar (not required).
For more information and to enroll, click here.