Produce Alliance has named Stephanie Fyle as its chief procurement officer. She is stepping into the shoes of her father, Mike Williams, who recently retired after...
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Understanding the special needs of its senior citizen and disabled customer population during the coronavirus pandemic, Northgate González Market now will open all 41...
Georgia Gov. Brian P. Kemp recently announced that Kerry Group will expand its operations in Rome, Georgia, investing $125 million, its largest-ever capital expenditure...
Topco Associates LLC honored members who demonstrated exceptional program partnership and commitment in 2019 during its recent annual membership conference in Palm...
HR & Benefits News is a monthly column by Chris Cooley, co-founder of MyHRConcierge and SMB Benefits Advisors. Grocery stores have a diverse set of employees, which...
by John McCurry/contributing writer Bravo Supermarkets has been growing fast in Florida ever since it expanded there about 16 years ago. The chain now has more than 50...
Whitney MacMillan, former chairman and CEO of Cargill and noted patron of education and philanthropy, died March 11, 2020, in Vero Beach, Florida. He was 90. Over his...
The National Grocers Association (NGA) has promoted Christopher Jones from VP to SVP of government relations and counsel. “Chris and his team are tremendous advocates...