Mikawaya, maker of unique Japanese pastries and original creator of Mochi Ice Cream, is having a contest on www.mochiicecream.com as well as on their Facebook fan page
Marketing News
The Food Marketing Institute (FMI) announced July 27 the appointment of Heather Garlich as director of media & public relations. She will be responsible for managing...
Mann Packing is partnering with the makers of Reynolds Wrap® Non-Stick Foil on a cross promotion, to encourage grilling vegetables this summer. Starting July 15, instant...
Stride, advertised as “The Ridiculously Long Lasting Gum,” kicked off its new “Be Ridiculously Long Lasting” campaign June 21 in New York City
The Food Marketing Institute (FMI) presented the 12th Annual Store Manager Awards at Future Connect in Dallas May 11. Finalists were selected based on stories submitted...
by Terrie Ellerbee/associate editor From FMI Future Connect 2011 If you build a new grocery store, you are not interested growing sales. You are interested in taking...
by Terrie Ellerbee/associate editor FMI Future Connect 2011 There will be a journey through hell, Peg Neuhauser, president of PCN Associates, assured Future Connect...
The Shelby Report’s editor, Lorrie Griffith, and Terrie Ellerbee, associate editor, are in Dallas attending Future Connect 2011. We are posting articles live from the...