store operations farm bill investing success show grocers leadership independents farm bill scholarships
Greg Ferrara

Cultivating a new generation of leaders is key to the ongoing success of any business, and independent community grocers are certainly no exception.

Innovative thinking and diverse perspectives that reflect a multifaceted consumer base are necessary to meet and exceed the dynamic expectations of the communities we serve.

NGA is committed to career-enhancement initiatives through the NGA Foundation. Chief among them is the annual Executive Leadership Development Program.

Nominations are open for grocery industry leaders to attend this conference, set for June 4-8 at Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y., and sponsored by PepsiCo.

This is an intense, interactive learning opportunity designed for mid- to upper-level executives who will come home from the experience with actionable insights and ideas that will fuel their future decision-making. And I speak from experience, having graduated from the program.

Each ELDP participant completes an interactive 360-degree assessment and benefits from one-on-one coaching to better understand their leadership style and skills. Course content includes communication, strategic decision-making and leadership skills in a changing workforce.

Our ELDP is reserved for employees of retailer and wholesaler members of NGA, rising executives who are looking to take on increased responsibilities at their companies over personnel and general management.

Attendance is by nomination, so independent grocery operators should consider nominating members of their executive teams to learn and grow. Candidates can also be nominated for two scholarships that cover registration and travel expenses – the Diversity in Leadership Scholarship, provided by PepsiCo, and the Women Grocers of America Scholarship.

The deadline for nominations and scholarships is April 1, 2023. More details about ELDP and the scholarships, along with application forms, can be found at

Meanwhile, time is running short to firm up plans to attend the 2023 NGA Show, Feb. 26-28 at the Caesars Forum Convention Center in Las Vegas. The event will offer plenty of opportunities to enhance teams and businesses.

Don’t miss our new, expanded Sunday programming, which leads off with The Technology Summit, a fast-paced, interactive look at how technology can invigorate a business.

In partnership with, the summit showcases tech from multiple perspectives, including speakers from NBCUniversal Media, and Instacart, among other food-tech innovators.

Also on Sunday’s agenda: a financial symposium led by FMS Solutions, NGA’s longtime partner on our annual Independent Grocers Financial Survey, an important industry benchmarking tool.

This symposium will provide attendees with insights and financial tools to help achieve strong results amid the challenging economic environment expected during 2023.

We’ve moved up our annual Creative Choice Awards to a Sunday afternoon spot, when we’ll celebrate the best marketing and merchandising programs in the grocery industry. Honorees are recognized by category, with special awards sponsored by Kellogg and Unilever.

Our opening keynote session will be capped off with inspirational messages from world-class blind adventurer Erik Weihenmayer. Sponsored by Kraft Heinz, his presentation will share a message about harnessing the power of adversity as fuel for greatness.

The show – three days in all – will be filled with educational insights, innovations on display in the exhibition hall, plenty of time for networking and, of course, the Best Bagger Championship. Hope to see everyone there.

More details about 2023 NGA Show can be found at

President and CEO of NGA Greg Ferrara is the President and CEO of NGA. The National Grocers Association is the trade association representing the U.S. independent community supermarket industry. NGA...