Big Y flags retirement

A message from The Shelby Report

Dear Advocate,

Military veterans in the U.S. workforce, men and women of all ages, totaled 21.4 million people last year, accounting for about 8% of the civilian population over age 18, according to a Bureau of Labor Statistics survey.

Whether your company is a retailer, wholesaler, manufacturer, broker, distributor or solutions provider, the likelihood is you employ multiple veterans. It’s also likely leadership is unaware who they are, when and where they served. Combat or not, make no mistake—they served our country, ever ready to protect and defend the freedoms you and I enjoy.

In this year’s November issue, coinciding with our nation’s annual Veterans Day (Nov. 11), The Shelby Report will pay tribute to this special group, from CEOs to the checkouts, who wear different uniforms now but demonstrate the same commitment to their jobs as they did in service to our country.

We invite each company to recognize your contingent of veterans in this special edition by sending an Honor Roll (name, branch of the military and service years). Additionally, please identify one or two veterans whose extraordinary service would warrant a human interest sidebar to complement this feature. We will need his or her photo for this cameo.

Finally, specify any company initiatives targeted for veterans, either within the company or the broader community, which we will publicize in this section also.

To support this endeavor, we encourage your sponsorship with an ad promoting your brands or services. Please complete the attached reservation form. Deadlines for editorial content and ad material are also included.

We look forward to honoring your Veterans across the industry and America!

Click here for the reservation form and Honor Roll checklist.

Alissa was Staff Writer at The Shelby Report.