CDA new logo

The Convenience Distribution Association (CDA), formerly the American Wholesale Marketers Association, has unveiled its new logo, which will be used in all of the group’s published products, programs and events.

“Our goal was to create an image that reflects the positive and forward-looking philosophy of CDA in a way that can be easily and effectively applied to all of our products and communications vehicles,” said Scott Ramminger, president and CEO. “We believe we have achieved that objective.”

Ramminger says the logo will include the text “Formerly AWMA” during the transition period to the association’s new name, which reflects the nature of CDA’s members: distributors of a full array of convenience products to primarily the small-format retail segment—including convenience, independent drug and grocery, gift, tobacco, institutional and hospitality customers, among others.

In addition, CDA renamed its two major meetings. The AWMA Marketplace & Solutions Expo has been renamed the Convenience Distribution Marketplace, and the fall meeting, the Summit & AWMA Business Exchange (ABX), has been renamed the Convenience Distribution Business Exchange (CDBX).

As was announced at the association’s recent expo in Las Vegas, CDA is developing an online community for members to connect, collaborate and exchange ideas. The member community has been branded the “Convenience Distribution IdeaXchange” and will foster discussion among groups with a variety of interests.

“All of this is part of the association’s retooling to effectively lead the convenience distribution industry into the future,” said Ramminger.

CDA’s distributor members represent more than $85 billion in U.S convenience product sales, serving a wide variety of small retail formats.

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