Bashas'-Kettle Heroes Truck

In recognition of Veterans Day, Bashas’ stores in Arizona’s Valley donated $1 for every 6.3-oz. bag of Kettle Heroes popcorn purchased on Tuesday to Military Assistance Mission, an Arizona nonprofit that provides financial and moral aid to current Arizona active duty military, their families and wounded warriors.

Bashas'-Kettle Corn for AZ HeroesKettle Heroes also had a truck set up at Bashas’ 7th Street and Missouri store in Phoenix, offering customers samples of fresh-popped kettle corn.

Arizona-based Kettle Heroes sells gourmet kettle corn and popcorn using all-natural ingredients and non-GMO corn. All of its facilities and products are nut and gluten free. Bashas’ customers could purchase Kettle Heroes’ Original Kettle Corn and Cayenne Lime Kettle Corn flavors in 6.3-oz. bags to participate in Tuesday’s benefit.         

There are 19 Bashas’ supermarkets in the Valley and, since 1932, the grocer has donated more than $100 million to local charities.

Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.