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Mr. Dave Simonson, former president of Albertsons Southern California region, died this week. He was in his mid-60s. His obituary was unavailable at the time of this report.

“I really enjoyed calling on Dave back in the day…what a fine gentleman,” Willie Crocker of Bimbo Bakeries said in an email.

Cheryl Kennick of City of Hope called Mr. Simonson “one of our industry’s great leaders and friend to City of Hope.”

Prior to taking the helm of Albertsons in SoCal in 2000, Mr. Simonson served as EVP of the company’s operations at its headquarters in Boise, Idaho. Before that, Mr. Simonson held a variety of operating positions within Albertsons’ former Southern California division, including district sales manager, director of operations and VP of operations preceding the merger with American Stores Co. Mr. Simonson relocated to Boise in 1996 as SVP and regional manager. He was named to the EVP role in January 1999.

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Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.