WONDERFUL PISTACHIOS STEPHEN COLBERTWonderful Pistachios says that Stephen Colbert, Emmy award-winning host and executive producer of Comedy Central’s “The Colbert Report,” will star in two Super Bowl spots for the nation’s leading pistachio grower. This will be Wonderful Pistachios’ second consecutive Super Bowl appearance and will kick off a new, full-year agreement with Colbert under the campaign theme, “Get Crackin’, America.”

“Since I was a child, I’ve dreamed of working with America’s premier nut company,” said Colbert. “The fact that it turns out to be the good folks at Wonderful Pistachios is just the pistachio on top of the ice cream sundae.”

As part of the full-year agreement, Colbert and Wonderful Pistachios’ in-house creative agency FireStation will team up to create a series of several spots throughout 2014 highlighting the “Get Crackin’, America” rallying cry. Directed by Emmy award-winning director Tom Kuntz, the commercial spots will be supported by in-store POS, public relations, digital and social media.

“Last year’s Super Bowl spot featuring Psy drove significant brand awareness and incredible buzz WONDERFUL PISTACHIOS STEPHEN COLBERTamong consumers,” said Marc Seguin, VP of marketing at Paramount Farms, maker of Wonderful Pistachios. “This year, we wanted to extend and deepen that enthusiasm beyond the Super Bowl with talent that excites and resonates with our core consumer target over the full year. Mr. Colbert is the perfect fit for our brand and for this campaign.”

Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.