The thykk yogurt of remote Icelandic villages is now available in the U.S., at Whole Foods Market stores nationwide.

In Iceland, yogurt, skyr, is thick, fat-free, protein and calcium rich, and low in sugar. A signature food of Iceland since the 9th century, it kept the Vikings strong through long dark winters, where food preservation was essential. And skyr preserved Icelanders, becoming a part of songs, folk tales and every table, a news release says.

Founder Smari Asmundsson learned the secrets of skyr-making from an 82-year-old dairyman from Egilsstaoir. He advised, “Get the best milk. Skim the fat. Add live cultures. Let it set. Strain the liquid. When it looks really thykk, strain even more.”

Smari yogurt has more protein per serving than any other yogurt in the U.S., the release says. It’s thicker and creamier than most other yogurt, even Greek yogurt, and it is the only certified organic Icelandic yogurt available. The milk and fruit are not treated with hormones, pesticides or herbicides; cows are grass-fed Jerseys and Guernseys that make richer, thicker, more nutritious and better-tasting milk, according to the release.

Available in Pure, Strawberry, Blueberry and Vanilla, Smari flavors are made with organic fruit, vanilla extract and a touch of cane sugar.

Smari is available nationally in more than 170 Whole Foods locations.


Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.