Atlanta remains home to three of the world’s most valuable brands, including Coke—and those brands’ values are still growing.

According to a study by annual BrandZ study by market researcher Millward Brown, The Coca-Cola Co., UPS and The Home Depot are among the 100 most valuable brands on earth.

The Atlanta Business Journal reports that Coca-Cola Co. was ranked No. 6 (flat with 2011) with an estimated brand worth of $74.3 billion in 2012. Its brand value was up 1 percent, year over year.

Apple Inc. is the world’s most valuable brand of all, with a value estimated at $183 billion, or 37 percent of its market capitalization.

The top 10 brands in the study are dominated by tech and telecom companies, with IBM second with $115.9 billion in its brand, up 15 percent, and Google Inc. at No. 3 with $107.9 billion, down 3 percent.

Millward Brown said that nearly half the brands in the top 100 lost value, something that also happened during the worst part of the 2009 recession. It said the total value of the top 100 fell for the first time since it has done the report, something it blamed on business slowdowns in Brazil and China, the Journal reports.


Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.