LiveAisle Wobbler

Avery Dennison Designed and Engineered Solutions has introduced low-cost shelf signage that enables grocers and small supermarket chains to advertise sales at the shelf-level with the same degree of professionalism as retailing giants.

LiveAisle Violator
LiveAisle Violator

Avery Dennison LiveAisle™ shelf solutions consist of shelf talkers, markers, end cap talkers, violators and wobblers. The signage has a unique product construction that provides a 25 to 50 percent cost advantage over vinyl shelf signage. LiveAisle OnCue™ free laser printer software enables users to print shelf signage on demand.

“Professional shelf-level advertising helps fill shopping carts,” said Phil Novac, Avery Dennison’s director of marketing and business development. “Until LiveAisle, there were no low-cost options for grocers or small supermarkets that accomplished most shelf-level messaging with pen and ink. Now, smaller grocers can access affordable, professionally formatted, printed signage that helps attract shopper eyes at the shelf level.”

LiveAisle made its debut at FMI 2012in Dallas, Texas, earlier this month.

LiveAisle End Cap
LiveAisle End Cap

LiveAisle signage has a clear top to show the original price, with the sale price prominently listed below. The solution includes free LiveAisle OnCue laser printer software for flexible and consistent on-demand printing. LiveAisle shelf-level signage can be purchased by the carton at

LiveAisle signage is 70 percent paper and 30 percent polyester, compared with 100 percent vinyl for conventional shelf labels, substantially reducing both cost-per-item and the volume of vinyl that is ultimately discarded.

It is easy to use. A grocer or supermarket manager simply downloads a signage format from the Avery Dennison LiveAisle site, enters the necessary variable data, such as price, and prints the signage on an as-needed basis. The pressure-sensitive signage applies securely to shelves throughout the store, including freezer locations. It applies much quicker than conventional pouch or clip-on labeling and leaves no adhesive residue upon removal.

“The mostly paper LiveAisle signage is laser printer friendly,” Novac said. “Vinyl labels have a tendency to bleed adhesive and compromise laser printer functionality.”

In the featured photo at top is the LiveAisle Wobbler.






Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.