A new research report published by Temkin Group, “2012 Temkin Loyalty Ratings,” indicates that only seven companies—four of which are grocery retailers—earned “very strong” loyalty ratings: Sam’s Club, Aldi, USAA, Publix, credit unions, Amazon.com, and H-E-B. At the other end of the spectrum, 37 companies earned “very weak” loyalty ratings.

The research examines consumer loyalty to companies across 18 industries: airlines, appliance makers, auto dealers, banks, car rental agencies, computer makers, credit card issuers, fast food chains, grocery chains, health plans, hotel chains, insurance carriers, internet service providers, investment firms, parcel delivery services, retailers, TV service providers, and wireless carriers.

Grocery chains, retailers, and fast food chains are the top three industries, earning an average rating of “strong.” At the bottom of the ratings, TV service providers and internet service providers earned an average rating of “very weak.” Credit card issuers and banks show up in six of the bottom nine spots in the ratings.

The report can be accessed from the Temkin Group website at www.temkingroup.com.


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Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.