Reminding retailers and consumers alike that pears are a fresh choice during the winter months, Pear Bureau Northwest is holding a nationwide display contest to encourage retailers to creatively promote U.S.A.Pears.
Independent retailers participating in the Winter Festival Display Contest will maintain a winter-themed pear display in their stores for a minimum of two weeks during the promotional period. Pear Bureau Northwest is providing point-of-sale materials to supplement retailer displays, including seasonal 7×11 cards with recipe tear-pads, variety channel cards, and brochures. The contest encourages retailers to capitalize on current pear sales by promoting a second size, bulk or bagged pears, or jumble displays.
“With the largest pear crop on record this season, we’re seizing on retailer interest to promote USA Pears with unique and fresh approaches,” said Pear Bureau Northwest President and CEO Kevin Moffitt. “We’re pleased to see the increased engagement these promotional opportunities bring our retail partners.”
Contest displays must promote a minimum of three varieties, including Anjou, Red Anjou, and Bosc. The Winter Festival Display Contest ends March 17, with winners to be chosen after March 23. Prizes will be awarded to large and small store categories, with a total of six winners. Second and third place winners will receive $500, and first place winners will be awarded $1,500.
Pear Bureau Northwest is a nonprofit marketing organization established in 1931 to promote the fresh USA Pears grown in Washington and Oregon, home to 84 percent of the U.S. fresh pear crop. The bureau represents 1,600 growers and develops national and international markets for Northwest pear distribution.