Anheuser-Busch and its independent distributors in Mississippi have joined forces with Raise Your Pints and other members of the Mississippi Malt Beverage Association to support legislation that would raise the alcohol-by-weight (ABW) limit on beer made and sold in the state from 5 to 8 percent. Mississippi currently is the only state in the country that limits ABW for beer to 5 percent.
“Anheuser-Busch is proud to support the effort to raise the ABW limit for beer in Mississippi,” said Doug Bailey, region VP of state affairs at Anheuser-Busch. “Increasing the state’s ABW limits will allow beer drinkers access to a greater variety of beers, including many of Anheuser-Busch’s high-end, specialty beers. It also will boost the state’s beer and hospitality industries.”
“We are pleased to have Anheuser-Busch’s support in our effort to increase the ABW limit for beer in Mississippi. A change would not only benefit Mississippians who wish to have the same beer choices already enjoyed by most Americans, but also the state’s small businesses,” added Butch Bailey, president of Raise Your Pints. “It’s a great opportunity to make Mississippi a better place to do business, a more attractive tourist destination, and improve the cultural life of our citizens.”
Mississippi’s beer-related businesses make a significant contribution each year to the state’s economy. Through direct and indirect contributions, the Mississippi beer industry supports nearly 9,000 jobs, pays $239 million in wages, and contributes more than $665 million to the state’s economy.