Evanston, Ill.-based Tula Foods Inc.®, a healthy foods manufacturer, has launched Better Whey of Life® (BWoL), the first all-natural brand of Greek yogurt made with whey protein from grass-fed cows. Hitting regional shelves in Chicago, Denver and San Francisco are six “twist-on-the-familiar” varieties: blackberry pomegranate, strawberry goji berry, raspberry white grape, acai mixed berry, vanilla bean ad plain.

BWoL retails for MSRP $1.39-$1.69 per 6-oz. cup and can be found on shelves in all King Soopers and City Market stores in Colorado and select cities in the surrounding Rocky Mountain states, in Jewel stores in the Chicagoland area and in Whole Foods in Northern California and the Rocky Mountain region.

BWoL combines the best of the old world and the best of the new world to bring you a better Greek yogurt, according to Tula Foods. Unlike other Greek yogurts that strain out the whey, BWoL uses a unique process that retains the whey protein, enabling a distinct thick, smooth and silky yogurt with health benefits.

Whey protein is unique because of its Branched Chain Amino Acid content (BCAA’s)—leucine in particular. Recent studies suggest that consuming a critical amount of these amino acids through foods at each meal helps maintain muscle and burn fat.

Benefits of BWoL include:

• Whey protein from grass-fed cows

• 30 percent of daily protein needs plus 3g fiber

• Only 4g of sugar per 6-oz. cup in BWoL plain Greek yogurt (40 percent less sugar than other plain Greek yogurts)

• 30 percent of daily calcium needs (33 percent more than most Greek yogurts)

• Probiotics and prebiotics

• No artificial ingredients

• Flavors formulated with James Beard, an award-winning chef

“Better Whey of Life is about more than just making good-tasting food. It’s about a food-losophy,” said Daphne Mazarakis, founder and president of Tula Foods. “We believe that a calorie is not just a calorie—it matters where your food comes from and whether it is filled with empty or high-value nutritious ingredients. That’s why Better Whey of Life makes higher protein, lower sugar foods rich in good-for-you nutrients.”


Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.